View thousands of real accepted college student profiles. Read successful application essays, extracurricular resumes, and advice.
Accepted to Utah, Colorado, Colby, Williams, SMCVT
Hi! I go by Izi and I am a current student at Williams College Class of 2019. I hope to be a biology or sociology major with a neuroscience concentration. I am on the NCAA Division 1 alpine ski team here.
Accepted to Tulane, UC Berkeley, Cincinnati, UPenn
Hi y'all! I'm an incoming freshmen at Tulane University in New Orleans, where I'll be studying Architecture, with a coordinate major in International Development and a minor in Urban Studies. Hope I can help with this #difficult process!
I am an incoming freshman from Bulgaria. I have spent one year as an exchange student in Chicago and look forward to returning to the States this fall.
Discover what makes a compelling essay. Get inspired to write yours by browsing thousands of essays, including "Why Us" supplements and Common App essays.
Read real essays, including "why us" supplements, to get inspired!
Accepted to Tulane, UC Berkeley, Cincinnati, UPenn
Hi y'all! I'm an incoming freshmen at Tulane University in New Orleans, where I'll be studying Architecture, with a coordinate major in International Development and a minor in Urban Studies. Hope I can help with this #difficult process!
Accepted to UMD, JHU, Duke, Case, Swarthmore, Penn State
I am a recent high school grad about to enter my first year of college at the University of Maryland: College Park with a full Banneker/Key scholarship.
Accepted to USC, Dartmouth, Emory, UMich, Rochester, Lehigh, Miami, Alabama, Ole Miss
Hi! I'm a college freshman who was accepted to some of the best universities in the country (most likely due to my essays). Feel free to ask any questions!
See how AdmitSee compares to other trusted college application websites and resources out there. Access thousands of successful application examples, sample essays, and admission tips. Tell your story, your way.
See how AdmitSee compares to other top college application resources.
AdmitSee provides a way for applicants to data-mine for essay inspiration, but we DO NOT tolerate plagiarism. Copying application essays is an infringement of intellectual property and strictly prohibited. You risk being rejected from all schools and the author pursuing legal recourse.Read more.
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