Go Gators!!! Going back to school to major in hospitality at Daytona State College. Yah, I look a bit like Bruce Willis ... I know .... I know. I'm an ex-army sergeant, too!
I am a junior at the Pennsylvania State University studying Architectural Engineering. I am a baritone in the Penn State Marching Blue Band and a Crew Leader at Pollock Dining Commons on campus.
I'm a first-generation student at the amazing Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire. I'm interested in everything from biotech research to art to politics to exploring nature, which is why Dartmouth is the perfect place for me!
I am a first generartion and also the first in my family to go to college. I am searching for scholarships not only to pay for school but also to help my father finiacnially as well.
Accepted to Loyola U Chicago, UND, Nebraska, Miami
I'm a Loyola University Chicago 5-year program student, pursuing my Bachelors and Masters degree in Applied Social Psychology. I love dogs, coffee, and singing as well as traveling home to see my family in Minnesota.