Accepted to American, Fordham, Skidmore, Syracuse, UC Irvine, UCSB
Hi there! I went to an American school in Hong Kong from K-12 and will be starting my freshman year at Fordham University at Lincoln Center in the fall. If you're interested in theater and come from overseas, I would be of particular help to you!
Born and raised in Southern California, Loves sports especially basketball and water polo, Plans to study Biology as a Pre-Med, Indulges on food of varying cultures
Accepted to Stanford, UC Irvine, IUPUI, UCSD, UC Davis
I'm a freshman at Stanford (majoring in Mechanical engineering) with insider tips on the admissions process. Visit my profile to find out some key tips the admissions office uses as well as some tips on how to boost your application and essays!
Accepted to UC Berkeley, USC, UMich, Illinois, UT Austin, UC Davis, UC Irvine, UCSD, UCSB, U of Minnesota, Arizona, WVU, Cal Poly, San Jose State
I'm from the SF Bay Area, but I'm betraying my roots by attending The University of Texas at Austin as a chemical engineering major. I like music, science and eating!
I went to a small private school in Reedley, CA. While my school may not have had the most prestigious or rigorous courses, explaining how I took advantage of all the opportunities provided to me during my time there helped a great deal.
Accepted to UPenn, UC Berkeley, Cornell, USC, UCSD, UC Irvine
I got into UPenn, Cornell, Berkeley, and USC doing what I love and without sacrificing my mental health or social life! Check out my profile, and see how you can too!
Junior at UC Berkeley. I am majoring in electrical engineering and computer science (EECS). I love playing badminton, machine learning, and working with robotics.
Accepted to UC Berkeley, USC, UCLA, UC Irvine, UCSD, UPenn
Ankara, Turkey->Taipei, Taiwan->California, U.S.A.->TBD
Committed to UC Berkeley
That's my life's story so far it seems... Hope this profile helps you! :)