10 Amazing High School Senior Pranks

May 17, 2016

It’s that time of year. You know, the time when high school seniors all across the country are scheming to find out the best ways to leave their mark on campus. Some are folklore, others are legend - but plenty of senior pranks are just harmless fun. From the super creative to the hard-worked surprise, here are some of the most epic senior pranks ever pulled:

1. Literally parking a car in the lobby of the school.

A video posted by Josie Perhus (@josiebperhus) on

2. Bring your… camel to school day?

A photo posted by Joanie Kabbes (@j_kabb) on

3. These students turned the hallway into a slip-n-slide.

4. Speaking of water and hallways… hard to avoid knocking any cups of water over.



5. More water? These seniors put goldfish in every water bottle in the vending machine.

6. Fill up the teacher’s lounge with balloons…

A photo posted by Katie (@redglasses004) on

7. ...or block the entire upstairs with balloons.

A photo posted by @katelynroseyyy on

8. Saran Wrap the entire stair well.&

9. And if you don’t have Saran Wrap, just use aluminum foil to cover everything in sight.

10. Why not? Hire a mariachi band to follow your principal around for the day.

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