20 Stages All Seniors Will Experience While Job Hunting

April 07, 2016

College seniors, congratulations! You’re almost done with college, and the real world is calling your name. Some of you may already have gotten an offer to return to the company you interned for over the summer, or you may have successfully gone through the recruiting process this Fall. But, for the ones still job hunting, here are 20 gifs you’ll definitely relate to: 

1. Every time you hear your friend talk about the return offer they got at the end of summer last year, you die a little inside.

2. This also happens when another one of your friends gets into graduate school.

3. But hey, at least you gain a bit of confidence looking at your resume! The formatting is impeccable!

4. You start off being selective about the companies you’re applying to. 

5. Applying to 5 jobs a day seems like a solid, manageable goal. You got your routine down.

6. But soon, you’re scrolling endlessly to find every single job posting and opportunity that fits within your criteria.

7. ...which has expanded to anything labeled “FULL TIME - PAID”

8. You hit “Apply” on every job posting that says “RESUME ONLY.”

9. Even when it says 3+ years of experience required.

10. Because writing cover letters are the WORST. THING. EVER.

11. But, look, you got a reply and your first interview!

12. Of course that requires a completely new wardrobe. You need to look professional.

13. You think the interview went well, but, after a week of no response, you start to worry.


14. You obsessively refresh your inbox.


15. You celebrate when a company sends you a rejection letter. Hey, at least they had the courtesy to let you know.


16. You consider the possibility of moving to New York City and starting a blog or sponsored Instagram account. If anyone has thoughts or outfits or photos of dogs dressed up as people worth sharing, it’s you.

17. You fantasize about starting your own company. That requires a startup idea though…


18. Maybe you need to just bite the bullet and go to law school. People respect lawyers, right?


19. Being a career student doesn’t really seem that bad… Oh, except for the loans.


20. So it’s back to the grind for now, but you’re not worried. All you have to do is figure out what you like doing best and get someone to pay you for doing it.


College Students:
Share your application journey and make some money!

Applying to jobs is the worst, but keep going! If your perfect job isn’t already out there for you, create an opportunity for yourself. If you need some cash to keep you going, don’t forget to create an AdmitSee profile by uploading your past successful college application materials. On AdmitSee, you get paid for paying it forward!

About The Author

Frances Wong
Frances Wong

Frances was born in Hong Kong and received her bachelor’s degree from Georgetown University. She loves super sad drama television, cooking, and reading. Her favorite person on Earth isn’t actually a member of the AdmitSee team - it’s her dog Cooper.


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