7 Ideas to Conquer Your Winter Break

December 22, 2015


So you’ve made it through your first finals week, and now it’s time to head home for a few weeks. Exciting, we know! But it also might be a bit daunting because many schools have quite a long winter break - it could even be 4-5 weeks long, which is something that you probably didn’t experience in high school. While most students are going to be excited for this time off, most students can still use some tips on how to best spend this time off.

  1. Enjoy the holidays with your family. This is a hectic time of year for everyone, especially college students. But once finals are done and you’re back at home, try to unplug for a little bit and enjoy your childhood favorites with your family. Whether that means helping your mom prepare a big meal, going shopping for gifts with your siblings, or just visiting your grandparents, trust us, they (and you) will appreciate it.

  2. Reconnect with childhood friends. Since this is only your first year away, it is likely that many of your high school friends will still be returning to the same town as you, so take a advantage of this. It won’t be like this every year; as the years go on people move away, choose to stay at college, travel, or get their own apartments in other cities. So reconnect while you have the chance.

  3. Make some money. If you have an especially long winter break, this could be a great opportunity to make some extra dough that will help you out once you go back to school. And, since this is the holiday season, many stores and shops are looking for extra hands looking for temporary jobs.

  4. Plan for the next year. After you have caught up with family and friends, this time off can be a great opportunity to be constructive. You have a semester of college under your belt, so you may have a better idea of what you want to major in or if you want to study abroad. Use this time to get organized: read ahead to make it easier on yourself to readjust to schoolwork when you’re experiencing post-vacation blues or start researching which part of the world you may want to spend a semester.

  5. Travel. Visit your best friend in New York or your cousin in Maine. After you graduate, these nice, long breaks will be few and far between. Go somewhere while you have the time and opportunity!

  6. Catch up on Netflix. Crush a full season (or two… or three) of that show you’ve been meaning to watch. We all deserve this once in awhile.

  7. Enjoy the comforts of home. Hopefully you will have more time than you had at Thanksgiving, so really enjoy the little things like mom’s cooking or your own room before you have to go back to campus.

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