7 Types of People You’ll Meet in a Study Group

June 10, 2016

The Teacher: You’ll always have one person that just knows everything and is happy to help. They like being the center of it all, but will always be willing to answer any questions to help the rest of the group. Most of the time, they’ll be the one to guide the discussion and take initiative to get things done. 

Known for saying: “Think about it like this…” “We can go over it again, if you need to.”

The Show-Off: This person is always bragging about how smart they are or how easy the work is. We all know the type - they love to tell you just how much they know, and aren’t afraid to prove it. You can learn a lot from them, but it can get annoying very quickly.

Phrases you’ll hear: “If this test is as easy as the last one…”; “Honestly, I barely need to study for this.”

The Mystery: They’re in study group… but are they? They never show up, and you’re not sure why. When they do finally come, they don’t remember why they’re there in the first place. Reliable isn’t exactly a word you’d use to describe them.

Phrases you’ll hear: “...”

The Nervous One: The name sums it all up - they’re always afraid of what’s to come. Whether it’s a test, an essay, or a group project, this person always expects the worst. It’s self-doubt mixed with a hint of unpreparedness and just a touch of self-deprecation.

Phrases you’ll hear: “I’m never going to be ready for this test.” “I’m not sure why I’m even trying anymore.”

The Foodie: The group’s true hero. They’re always bringing random snacks to the study group, just to make sure there’s always time for a snack break. They love to make everyone happy, and somehow, always find the snack that you’ve been craving.

Phrases you’ll hear: “Anyone else feeling a quick donut break?” “I’ve got some chips if anyone wants any.”

The One Who Fell Behind: Don’t lie - this has been you on more than one occasion. That’s alright, we’ve all been there. Not every class is easy, and some are just hopeless from the start. I mean, that’s why you’re in this study group in the first place, right?

Phrases you’ll hear: “Can you say that again?” “Wait, can we go back for just a second…”

The Overachiever: This person barely looks up from their books and notes. They’ve got an insane collection of highlighter colors, some of which you’re not even sure they sell in the US. Their books and notes have almost grown limbs at this point, with the number of Post-Its sticking out from the sides. If you want a good outline, talk to this person first.

Phrases you’ll hear: “Anyone have an extra Post-It? I ran out.” “If you look at page 29 of my outline…”

About The Author

AdmitSee Staff
AdmitSee Staff

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