Admission Tips from a USC Junior: Look into the Majors Offered

April 09, 2014

David is one of our interns and a junior at USC.  Here is what he had to say about choosing the right school for you!

When I chose to attend the University of Southern California I made sure to consider a variety of different factors. Not only was I looking at universities that were ranked high for my major, I was also looking ahead to see what minors were offered. It’s important to plan ahead and make sure your university will offer minors that compliment your major and fit your interests. 

Location should also be an important part of your decision, especially when you are entering a field that is largely dependent on how you leverage your network. For example, if you plan to work in the entertainment business you would most likely want to either attend a school in Los Angeles or New York. At these locations you’ll meet other students and industry contacts to create a powerful network.

As a Business Administration major with an interest in entertainment, I was choosing between the University of Southern California and the University of California Los Angeles. Both schools have strong connections to entertainment and are located in Los Angeles—UCLA is closer to Hollywood. However, they don’t have a separate business school for undergrads. At USC’s Marshall School of Business undergraduates are given a diverse curriculum with classes in Accounting, Finance, and Marketing. For me, that made all the difference.

To view David’s admissions essays and other advice, visit his Admit profile here!

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