AdmitSee x JINS Giveaway!

October 12, 2015
* Sponsored Post

There is blue light everywhere.  All LED light electronic displays emit blue light - whether it’s your smartphone, laptop, or TV, your devices are releasing blue light. JINS SCREEN glasses blocks 25% of that light emitted by electronic devices, significantly reducing eye fatigue, according to clinical studies conducted by JINS and Keio University in Japan.

Create an AdmitSee profile and share, and you’ll automatically be entered to win a pair of JINS SCREEN glasses AND the $1,000 AdmitSee Scholarship! Don’t turn into a study zombie - you have until October 18th to sign up and enter!

Browse Successful Application Files


Accepted to UMD, JHU, Duke, Case, Swarthmore, Penn State

I am a recent high school grad about to enter my first year of college at the University of Maryland: College Park with a full Banneker/Key scholarship.

Accepted to Georgetown, American, GWU, BU

Georgetown Transfer from UMass Boston going into my Sophomore year (AFROTC, ATHLETE)

Accepted to USC, NYU, UMich, UCSD, Rochester, BC, BU, Miami OH, Loyola U Chicago, Miami, U of Minnesota, Drexel, Illinois

Typical Student from Chicago who has had the best of the American/Hispanic Culture. As well, I applied to 25 schools

Accepted to USC, Vanderbilt, UC Berkeley, Cal Poly, Cal Poly Pomona, UC Irvine, UCSB, UC Davis, Tufts, Northeastern, SDSU, UCSD, UCSC, San Jose State, Pacific

Proud to be a Trojan!

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