Before You Submit Your Applications…

December 10, 2015

​Winter break is fast approaching - do you really want to be stuck inside, finishing your college applications? Submitting is easy. Just answer a few yes or no questions to find out whether you’re ready to press ‘send’.

Browse Successful Application Files


Accepted to Pomona, Swarthmore, Bowdoin, Middlebury, WashU, Vassar, Emory, Kenyon, Wesleyan, Hamilton

Salutations person! My profile includes the awesome details of the ridiculously goodlooking man in the above picture! Plus, a bunch of essays!

Accepted to Columbia, GA Tech, Northwestern, Princeton, UGA

As a part of Princeton Class of 2019, I know how difficult the application process is...I got denied, accepted, and wait-listed to several places. Let me help you find your path to success!

Accepted to UChicago, UMich

I'm from Metro Detroit and passionate about the intersection between sustainability and business. Huge fan of dancing, traveling, fashion, and helping you with your applications!

Accepted to WashU, CMU, GA Tech, UGA

Aspiring Communication Design and Computer Science student, food lover extraordinaire

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