Campaigning at Columbia and College Rankings

September 02, 2013

​Last Monday, we hit up Columbia’s new student orientation with some more guerilla marketing.

Can you spot Lydia hard at work?
I recently came across an NPR piece on Obama’s new policies that would implement a more comprehensive set of factors in college-rating. The new system would affect funding amounts for schools that receive federal aid.  Based on this info, the U.S. Department of Education would hand out a score. The performance-driven program attempts to incentivize higher quality instruction; the higher a school’s rating, the more federal aid a student at that school would receive. The article questions whether the data required under Obama’s evaluation (e.g., graduation rates and employability) can be accurately measured. (To that I say it can’t be worse than the methods of notorious college rankings publisher U.S. World & News.) This drastic shift in education oversight only shows me that kids and (more likely) their parents will be even more fired up about attending the best schools from an early age…

Founders flyering Columbia's walkway--mistaken for interns multiple times.
Founders flyering Columbia’s walkway—mistaken for interns multiple times.
Our best push with flyering was at the end of the day when we caught the mass of self-congratulatory parents and students streaming out from the tents post-Dean’s welcome speech (I don’t actually know what he/she said because I always tune these out.).
As we rapidly depleted our stash of flyers shouting, “Get paid to share how you got into Columbia” or “Earn money by sharing what it takes to get into an Ivy,” it really hammered home the message that AdmitSee can be part of a solution, even if in an indistinguishable way, by granting admitted students a platform to pay it forward while earning money. AdmitSee can lessen the blow of imminent education budget cuts and permit Admits to rely less on federal funding and more on ways, such as ours, to effortlessly cover expenses, including textbooks and school meals, and lighten the load of higher education.

One of our adoring fans!
Just one of our many adoring fans!


Browse Successful Application Files


Accepted to American, Fordham, Skidmore, Syracuse, UC Irvine, UCSB

Hi there! I went to an American school in Hong Kong from K-12 and will be starting my freshman year at Fordham University at Lincoln Center in the fall. If you're interested in theater and come from overseas, I would be of particular help to you!
UC Berkeley

Accepted to UC Berkeley, Penn State, Colorado, UCLA, NYU

Passionate about Education. Lover of all things science!

Accepted to Yale, Harvard, Stanford, Brown, UC Berkeley, Pomona, UCSB, Pepperdine, Wellesley, UCLA, USC

I was accepted to Harvard, Stanford, Yale, Brown, Berkeley Regents/Chancellors, UCLA Honors. Ask me how.

Accepted to Tulane, UC Berkeley, Cincinnati, UPenn

Hi y'all! I'm an incoming freshmen at Tulane University in New Orleans, where I'll be studying Architecture, with a coordinate major in International Development and a minor in Urban Studies. Hope I can help with this #difficult process!

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