Everyone takes a different path and everyone has a different journey. This is also true for how every student chooses their major in college! It is not as simple and direct as it seems, as for most, you may have switched between 3 or 4 before you finally decide on one at the end of your Sophomore year! Hear what all these students have to say:

NUWildcat: I chose my major through trial and error! You learn so much about what you are and are not interested in through classes - it may surprise you that you don’t truly enjoy a topic at the college level in the same way you did in high school. After you step on campus, you also may learn about majors that you hadn’t heard of or seriously considered. I knew what I wanted to do, but learning more about how different majors could take me there once I got on campus helped me find the best fit for me. I wanted a major that was interdisciplinary in nature so I could study the intersection of my favorite topics, which is how I ultimately made my decision.

PJMarino: I am currently an English major, but I didn’t start out that way! When I first came to college, I wanted to be a Communications major, because I figured that it was a flexible major that would allow me to pursue any career after college. In addition, I had also wanted to be a lawyer and thought that would look good on my applications to law school. However, after only a few classes, I realized Communication wasn’t the fit for me. I told my advisor I hated the huge lecture classes, and was doing poorly on the multiple choice tests. My advisor asked me which classes I liked, and I realized I only really liked classes where I was reading and writing a lot. After that, I switched majors, and I’ve been happy ever since! So, take my advice and explore different classes, and go after what really interests you and makes you happy!