College Application Redo: What These USC, UNC, and NYU Students Would Do Over

April 25, 2014

Wondering what you could do to make your college application even better?  Students from USC, UNC, and NYU told share what they would do differently if they had a second chance!


Allie from USC:

If I could do an aspect of my college application over again, I would have been more involved in high school activities early on. As a freshman, I was more concerned about making friends and did not realize that the way to do that is to get involved. Sophomore year was a time for trying out new things, but I did not put roots down until Junior year and I wasn’t able to assume any leadership roles until Senior year, if at all. I definitely wish I had been involved from the get go for a number of reasons; you get to make friends, discover your interests, make an impact, and it looks great on college applications. What’s not to love?

Helen from UNC:

One aspect of my college application process that I messed up was SAT preparation. I took the SAT a total of three times, but I definitely could have prepared more efficiently and only have taken it twice. The second time I took the SAT, I did not take it as seriously as I should have. I ended up getting a score that was lower than my first attempt and wasted a period of months when I should have been preparing. Because of this, I had to spend my entire junior year summer cramming for third and final attempt. 

Jiangeng from NYU:

Some schools required answering short questions as part of the application in addition to the personal statement essay, and I found out that they are very important. These questions are usually things like, “What is your career goal?” or “Tell me about someone who inspires you.” I missed out on some schools because I didn’t answer the questions in enough detail. By answering these questions, you can provide valuable information that you do not have room to write about in your personal statement.  Also, look twice before you send the application materials to make sure they are exactly as you want them. 



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Accepted to Princeton, Yale, Columbia, Dartmouth, Brown, Cornell, CMU, JHU, Duke, USC, BU, Illinois, UMich

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STEM outreach enthusiast. Poet. Programmer. Advocate for women in STEM.

Accepted to UCSB, Humboldt

"She believed in nothing; only her skepticism kept her from being an atheist."

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Aspiring Communication Design and Computer Science student, food lover extraordinaire

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