College Survival 103: Staying In Touch After High School

July 24, 2015

Going off to college is a whirlwind of emotions, activities, goodbyes, and hellos. It’s always important to make new friends when you arrive, but it can be hard to keep in touch with friends from high school. Our AdmitSee users give us advice on how to keep in contact with old friends and new.

amcquillen: If you go to an out-of-state college, it may be hard to stay in touch with your high school friends. Everyone will be busy with their own schedules, and it is likely that you will only have the opportunity to see them during holiday breaks, which will be booked with family time. The internet can be helpful, but it is still difficult. Fortunately, you will make new friends at college.

jaclynh: Social media makes it a lot easier to keep in touch with high school friends. Between Facebook messaging, group chats, Instagram, and other forms of technology, you can always stay connected. Furthermore, your friends who are also in college will understand that you can’t always be talking. As a junior, I have lost touch with most of my friends from high school, not because we could not stay in touch, but mostly because we all became closer with our college friends. Usually, the people you meet in college are the ones you will stay friends with for life because the bonds you form are so much closer than those formed in high school. Regardless, it is super easy to keep in touch with all of your old friends if you want to.

mfinger: It all depends on how much effort you put in. If you make an effort to keep in touch with your friends, you can certainly maintain relationships. Regular contact, visits, and time together on breaks are definitely possible and could happen often. If you don’t put the effort into sustaining relationships, then it will be more difficult to keep them going. It all depends on how much time you make for your friends! This was one of my biggest concerns going into college. In the hustle and bustle of the first few months, I found it difficult to keep in touch with friends from high school. There was just so much going on and so much to keep up with that I was too busy to even think about keeping in contact! As things settled down, however, I was able to find time to Skype with friends from high school or send them a quick text message here and there asking them how they were doing. Ultimately, I do not think it is difficult to stay in contact with high school friends as long as you make the effort to do so. With today’s technology, it is so easy to send a quick message (or even a Snapchat) that it makes keeping in touch that much simpler!

SChai: It has been hard for me to stay in contact with my high school friends while in college. There are just so many new things to get involved with and new people around you to get to know. I don’t think it is necessarily a bad thing to drift away from your high school friends. People grow up and life moves quickly. If you spend all your time nurturing your high school friendships, you may miss out on making new, equally wonderful friends at college.

nrchhabra: Staying in contact with friends from high school is difficult because everyone is busy experiencing college on their own. The first thing that happens to freshmen is that they find new groups of friends to hang out with. Early on, people will text their friends from high school, but as one assimilates into college, they text old friends less and less. However, if the friends from high school are worth keeping, then messaging them through Facebook or text will do the trick. Then, when on break, everyone will be ecstatic to see each other. After all, absence makes the heart grow fonder.

sarah: College keeps your very busy. In fact, busy is probably an understatement. Because you will have so little time, it is difficult to stay in touch with your friends from high school. This is even more of an issue if your friends and you choose to go to colleges that are far away from each other. If you put in the effort needed, I’m sure you can stay in touch with your closest friends, but, as for staying in touch with everyone, it is highly unlikely. You will always be able to catch up over breaks, but once you really get into the swing of things at college, you will not have time to talk to your high school friends regularly.

If you have any good advice to share, comment below and let us know!

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