Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda…

June 28, 2014

It may be cliché but it’s true: everybody makes mistakes.  AdmitSee asked students what advice they would give themselves as high school juniors, and the great responses keep piling in!  Here is part 3:

Here is one student’s advice who attends New York University:

If I could go back to the summer after my junior year, I would have spent less time in the classroom and more time getting real-world experience. My parents and I decided that I would take summer classes to help boost my resume and gain some college credits. While the class was great, in the long run it didn’t affect my college credits too much. I realized much later in college, that real-life experience, such as work or volunteer experience, can be much more impactful than a summer class.

Haley is a student at the University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign. Click here to unlock her profile!

Haley’s Advice:

The advice I would give myself is to take notice of what methods are easiest for me to retain information. Some people need to make notecards and constantly study and others read something once and it stays in their memory. I feel that in general I didn’t need to study for tests and quizzes more than about a day before them in high school and all I did was read. Another thing I would advise would be to take AP tests senior year. I think this would’ve given me a much better heads up to the fact that college is quite different than high school and it would help prepare you for the upcoming years.

Jacqueline is a senior at Cornell. Click here to unlock her profile!

Jacqueline’s Advice:

I would really like to say that there is nothing to worry about, all this college stuff is going to work out fine.  Just stay organized, and go through the checklist one point at a time.

Want more advice? Browse AdmitSee and unlock thousands of profiles to find out student’s test scores, admissions essay topics, and more!

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