Daniel, a freshman student at Harvard, a Cambridge, MA institution that is often considered one of the most elite colleges in the world, shares where he prefers to study and meet up with his friends on campus. Make sure to check out these spots the next time you’re in the Boston area!

As a freshman at Harvard College, much of life revolves around Harvard Yard. To study, Lamont Café, located in the 24-hour Lamont Library, is the hot spot for collaborative work. I can usually do work in my room, but if I need to get an essay knocked out in a quiet space I will head over to the Lamont Library study spaces. Lamont is nice because it has ample quiet space and many collaboration rooms. Widener Library gets all the press-it is famous because the university promised not to touch a brick after completion-but it doesn’t stay open late enough and is too busy with tourists for me to get any work done.

Social life is concentrated in the dorms themselves. Being from Southern California, I can’t stand the cold weather that plagues (or at least plagued) Cambridge for the majority of the school year. That means students avoid spending too much time outside (or at least that’s just me). If I’m going to meet up with friends, we’ll convene at Annenberg Hall, the freshman dining hall, and discuss plans over a meal. Otherwise, we will meet up in my room or a friend’s room and devise a plan. The freshmen social scene at Harvard is nice - having all the freshmen concentrated in Harvard Yard makes it easy for people to meet up to study or hang out - but the cold weather, like many other schools in the northeast, makes it difficult to be outside for the majority of the year.
To read more about Daniel, visit his AdmitSee Profile!