An AdmitSee intern recently sat down with her grandfather who attended the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor during the 50s.
The cost of tuition, process of class registration, and Saturday night activities have changed dramatically in the past 60 years
but 8 a.m. classes are still—and always will be—the worst.
$125 a semester
Room and Board:
$350-400 dollars a semester
“My grandfather had a scholarship for room and board, so he only had to pay $125 a semester. Filling up my gas tank costs more than half of that.”
Registering for classes:
“Compared to the digitized process today, class registration in the 50s involved teachers sitting at tables with sign up sheets for each class. One thing still hasn’t changed though: “the ideal schedule was class from 11-2… and everybody wanted Friday off”.
Saturday Nights:
“My grandfather was an engineering major and stressed that during the week he mostly studied. However “nobody studied on Saturday night.” Football and basketball season passes cost $3-$5 dollars, and attending games, going to the movies, or playing cards were some of the normal Saturday night activities”