How Many Colleges Should I Apply To? The Answer is

February 25, 2015

So, maybe you’ve just began your college search and you would like to know…how the heck am I supposed to narrow down with all these options?! Or, if you’re a little farther along—just about ready to start filling out some applications—and the first question that comes to mind is…how many colleges should I really be applying to?

These are important questions, and AdmitSee can help!  Although the numbers on how many applications you should be filling out vary, here are some general guidelines to help you with your college search.

Try to narrow your options down to approximately 6 to 8 schools. These colleges and universities should be places that you are well-researched on and confident that you could be happy at. Consider factors such as program, curriculum, and degrees; location and size; tuition and possible aid/scholarships; and climate and available extracurriculars. 

Here is how you breakdown the colleges you apply to. 

Browse Successful Application Files


Accepted to Rochester, Rutgers, Fordham, College of NJ, Drexel

Hey! I'm a freshman at University of Rochester Class of 2020 interested in double majoring in Biology and Spanish, eventually applying to med school. I'm passionate about studying science, doing research and learning new languages.

Accepted to NYU, BU, Ohio State

Chicago-->Cincinnati-->New York City. Dancer. Rower. Volunteer. Future Teacher.

Accepted to Stanford, MIT, GA Tech

STEM outreach enthusiast. Poet. Programmer. Advocate for women in STEM.

Accepted to UC Davis, UCLA, UCSD, USC, Emory, UMich, UNC, Pepperdine

Although very hardworking, I love to socialize with friends and make time to just relax. Also, I've always been interested in cars and working in the business aspect of the automotive industry.

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