How Three Weeks Can Improve Your Final Grades

December 09, 2015

It’s that time of year again - cold weather, puffy jackets, and… finals. Students are already starting to stress and pull all-nighters to finish papers and study for exams. The beginning and end of semesters are always the toughest, but there is a way to make the end of the semester a little bit easier on yourself.

Way too many students study cram the night before an exam, and it’s one of the worst ways to study. The immediate effects may work for some students, but there is a reason why it is smart to begin studying for final exams at least three weeks before the finals week.

Information retained will be short-term if student studies the night before: As in, you won’t remember the information after a few days, and you might not even hang onto it long enough to get through the test. And while it might sound good so you won’t have to study weeks in advance, it will likely hurt you in the long haul. For example, let’s say you want to become an EMT. You’ll likely remember what you studied the night before for the test, but a year from now, you’ll most likely not remember key facts or skills that you might find yourself needing.

Lowers stress and anxiety: Studying three weeks before an exam will definitely lower stress and anxiety, making it easier for you to take the test. The less stress you have while taking the test, the higher your memory and concentration will be. It might not be an ‘A,’ but a ‘B’ is better than a ‘D’.

Will be able to remember notes easily: Because you’ve studied your notes a few weeks in advance of the test, you are more likely to remember more information.

Say good riddance to procrastination: Students who are big procrastinators will probably continue to procrastinate throughout their college careers, which isn’t good. Studying weeks before a final exam every semester can help break old habits, which can lead to better test-taking skills and better grades. If you do find yourself putting things off, even starting to study just a week in advance will vastly improve your study habits.

With finals week just weeks away, get prepared for your finals. One mistake can ruin a good standing for good. But taking proactive steps, even just for a short amount of time a day, can help big time. 

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