How to Improve Your Chances of Acceptance

December 31, 2015

We’re coming up to that time of year when high school juniors start to look towards the beginning of the college admissions process. You’ve heard it all at this point - maintain a promising grade point average, participate in extracurricular activities, study for the SAT…the list never seems to end.

However, there are a few small things that don’t require as much work, but can still help increase landing an acceptance to the college of your dreams. Follow these tips, along with the information you have already received from your counselors and family members to increase your chances of receiving an acceptance letter.

  • Stay in touch with every admissions officer you meet. If you’ve ever been to a college fair, the admissions counselors you meet from various colleges are great people to get to know. This sounds silly, but, believe it or not, some of those admissions counselors are in the room when applicant decisions are being made. By staying in constant communication with them, you help them remember your name and receive whatever message you convey through emails and phone calls. Some admissions counselors can even make scholarship recommendations when reviewing applications.

  • Make sure you are aware of all deadlines - even for the people around you! From the different school application deadlines to cutoffs for your teacher recommendation letters, it’s extremely crucial to stay organized. You don’t want to give off the wrong first impression when you constantly have to email asking for extensions to deadlines.

  • If possible, try to schedule an interview. Most colleges don’t consider an interview as part of the admissions process, but they do offer one. Although this process may not directly affect your application, it will show your interest and will also help you figure out if the school is a good match for you. You’ll be able to directly interact with someone involved at that school, and it will give you the opportunity to ask good questions that you might not be able to find information on through websites or books.

  • Make sure you have impeccable grammar in every document you submit! You don’t have to sound like your vocabulary is wider than a thesaurus, but you should be able to convey good communication skills that the professional world requires. That means editing, checking, and double checking everything you submit. Horror stories happen every year, from writing the wrong name on an application or sending in an application essay about the wrong college. The extra 5-10 minutes of editing can help you capture any mistakes and correct them before you send.

Remember to keep these tips in mind when applying to your dream college. Remember to present yourself in the best light possible, and always remember that a college acceptance does not define your worth! If you’re in need of any last minute help, ask questions and get help with essays using an AdmitSee mentor. You can also ease your last minute stress by getting inspiration from successfully admitted students. Find essays, stats, and advice from college students at your dream school, and find out how you can get in!

Browse Successful Application Files


Accepted to NYU, BU, Ohio State

Chicago-->Cincinnati-->New York City. Dancer. Rower. Volunteer. Future Teacher.

Accepted to Princeton, Columbia, Fordham, Indiana, NYU, UT Austin, UMich

Dancer with a hardcore business mind

Accepted to Stanford, UPenn, JHU, Georgetown, Amherst, Smith, Hamilton, Bryn Mawr, Spelman, Holy Cross, Rutgers, Rutgers

I am a Stanford student from New Jersey, hoping to major in one of the social sciences.

Accepted to Northwestern

Optimist, dancer, artist, & biologist. EDed NU.

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