There are some incredible high school students out there! Paige, a student at Boston College, told us about an amazing high school student named Shree Bose who now studies at Harvard. If you are a current high school student, use your own passions to fuel great accomplishments - both for yourself and to help you gain entry to a great university!

When she was in high school, Shree Bose certainly put her free time to good use. After watching her grandfather battle cancer, Bose decided she wanted to use her interest for medicine and biology productively to try and end the disease. She began working with The North Texas Science Health Center as a way to explore her passion and gain more experience. After studying a certain type of protein and its reaction with chemotherapy, Bose made a break through in cancer research. She went on to win first place in the Google Global Science Fair, and earned a $50,000 scholarship. After graduating from high school, Bose moved on to Harvard University.
This type of experience will definitely stand out on any college application. Shree not only proved how competent and talented she is, but she also showed universities that she is driven and willing to work hard to achieve her passions. Although working in a lab might not be typical of a high school student, if science or medicine is something you’re interested in, trying to find some type of mentorship program will help you further your studies and gain attention from colleges.
To learn more about Shree Bose, check out her TED Talk.