Sometimes, our favorite classes aren’t the ones concentrated in our field of study. With low expectations of what you might learn, new things will take you by surprise, even in the classroom! Take if from kkball96, a freshman at Vanderbilt University!

I am enrolled in the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) at Vanderbilt, where we have a series of requirements labeled AXLE (Achieving Excellence in Liberal Education) for all students in CAS, like a History of the United States course, and three different classes in the Mathematics and Natural Sciences category.

I for one am a math major, so upon seeing that I must take three humanities courses before graduating, I was slightly hesitant. I felt it was unnecessary, but when one of my friends asked me to sign up for a humanities class called “Music, the Arts, and Ideas” to get rid of a requirement, I signed up thinking at the very least, that it would be easy. I had no idea what I was going to learn in this class.