The courses you take in college can have a huge impact not only on your time in school, but also how you view the world around you. Sjheinsohn, a senior at University of California, Davis, shares some of her first-year courses as a Japanese major.

1. Japanese Language: As a Japanese major, my Japanese language classes were vital to my career. I learned how to read, write, speak, and understand Japanese. How cool is that?! All of my senseis were very helpful and passionate about their work, and it’s no coincidence that people who study Japanese are super outgoing and friendly. Thanks to my Japanese skills, I was able venture to Japan to participate in a volunteer internship, which was a blast. Language classes truly open your mind to the world!

2. Discoveries and Concepts in Nutrition: This is one of the most popular classes at UC Davis, and for good reason! Taught by Dr. Liz Applegate, a nationally renowned expert on nutrition and fitness, this is essentially an introduction to nutrition course. This class teaches the basics of nutrition, and answers fundamental questions such as, “why do I need fiber?” and “what are amino acids? Fun fact, this is the largest nutrition class in the nation.

3. Introduction to Acting: One of the funnest classes I have ever taken. I learned so much about the intricacies of acting and the theater. Everyday we would do stimulating activities such as “walking the space” or “zip zap!” We got to see how costumes and stage sets are designed. We had two major performances to do, and they were super fun! This class allowed me to utilize my creativity and meet fun people!
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