We’re sure you’ve all experienced this before. Whether you’re walking down the hall or joining a group at the dining hall, you’re bound to hear something out of context, inappropriate, or hilariously weird that makes you do a double take. AdmitSee is gathering the best of the best from each college campus. Today, we take you inside UC Berkeley.
At the dining halls: “Are you more of Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw” (Twitter: @jcstoy)

At the Career Center: An employer shared, “In interviews I like to ask candidates to spell their names backwards.”

This is a cruel, cruel game for dyslexic students.
In a Cal bio class: “What if all of this is bullshit…conspiracy man” (Twitter: @BeatricePopesc)

What if cells aren’t cells?! What if DNA isn’t really a double helix but they just want to make it doubly hard for us?!
Out on the quad: “Is it fetty wob, or fetty wap” (Twitter: @Elijschwartz)

Uhh… Hey, what’s up? Hello.
In OChem review: “Dude I’m so about to drop out of school and sell drugs” (Twitter: @BeatricePopesc)

Some common room: “I’m going to send you a panic-stricken email about my project sometime this week.” (Twitter: @Soundslikepuget)

If you’ve never had a panic attack over a school project, congratulations. You have your life together more than the rest of us.
Well, there you have it! Do you go to Cal? Leave us a comment and let us know what else you’ve overheard on campus. We’ll update our blog with your submissions.