Inside Look: Campus Culture at UPenn

May 21, 2014

Campus culture is important to consider when choosing a university, because it will be your home for four years.  Phoebe, a rising sophomore at the University of Pennsylvania, tells us about the social aspect of being a student at Penn and what it is like to live in Philadelphia, PA. When deciding what school to ultimately attend, make sure to look into the campus culture at the universities you are considering!

Weekends for most people at Penn (it seems) entail going out to frat parties on Friday/Saturday nights and then doing homework on Sunday nights. People in my hall also hang out a ton on the weekends because a lot of them are super close. Penn also sponsors weekend events like Holi (which was this past week and involved everybody throwing colored chalk at each other—that was really fun) and Spring Fling, which is this coming week. 

Philadelphia offers a ton of things to do outside of Penn as well. I’ve gone tacqueria surfing with a group of friends, seen a few movies at the Rave (which is only a couple of blocks from my dorm), and jogged to Chinatown/ Center City when the weather is nice. However, if I have a midterm the following Monday I will spend the whole weekend studying. 

Browse Successful Application Files


Accepted to Northwestern, Dartmouth, UC Berkeley, UChicago, Rice, UMich, USC

Aspiring entrepreneur interested in computer science, health, and sustainability; applied to college as an econ/environmental science major.

Accepted to Stanford, Cambridge, Princeton, Yale, Brown, UPenn, Columbia, UC Berkeley, UCLA, Swarthmore, Barnard, Wellesley, Duke, NYU, BU

overly ambitious, passionately curious, helplessly perfectionistic

Accepted to Yale, Columbia, Rice, Williams, Amherst, UVA, UNC, W&L U, Rutgers, UVM

Entrepreneurial sophomore Mathematics and Philosophy major at Yale University who also loves the liberal arts.

Accepted to Stanford, UPenn, JHU, Georgetown, Amherst, Smith, Hamilton, Bryn Mawr, Spelman, Holy Cross, Rutgers, Rutgers

I am a Stanford student from New Jersey, hoping to major in one of the social sciences.

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