It is important to know what the college you goes to value and stands for. It will shape your college education and experience, as it will expose you to perspectives and issues you have yet to explore. As just a freshman, zkaufman has already experienced how much social justice is valued at Brandeis University.

Brandeis is well known for its involvement in social justice. The school was originally created by Louis Brandeis, the first Jewish judge in the Supreme Court. He was a strong believer in social justice, and that is why he created the school. Louis Brandeis wanted a place where all were welcome, and this was at a time when not all schools believed it. Because the school was created off the idea of social justice, this is a trait that the school still possesses, and encourages the student body to be take part in. It is apparent across campus through the various clubs and groups that try to make the world a better place and protest inequality.
If you’ve paid attention to the news in the last couple of months, the two most explored issues on college campuses are about sexual assaults and the court decision against Ferguson. In the middle of my first semester, Brandeis was revealing the newest addition to the campus, the sculpture called the “Light of Reason.” The new installment was presented to Brandeis’ alumni and benefactors. During this event, a group of Brandeis students stood by the sculpture and began to hold up signs and chant against rape. I don’t know about other schools, but I found it powerful to see the protest take place and even more powerful that they were not asked to leave.