The Best Advice Our Mothers Ever Gave Us

May 06, 2016

Let’s face it - good advice can change your life. No matter who it comes from or on what subject it’s about, advice can give you a new perspective on something you never thought possible. With Mother’s Day fast approaching, our team at AdmitSee wanted to celebrate our wonderful moms by sharing the best quotes and pieces of advice they’ve given us over the years. 

best mothers day advice about college and career

“My mom always told me to have a balanced life. ‘Think exercise, social, continue learning. You should be out there meeting people. Keep smiling - let bygones be bygones.’” -Frances Wong

“Go for something that will support you and your family, you will always have the chance to do the things you love.” -Jamil Al-Ghosein

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“At swim meets, my mother used to say ‘get off the blocks first - if you don’t false start at least once this season, you aren’t trying hard enough.’ She still reminds us of this whenever we’re afraid of taking risks.” -Lydia Fayal

“Add more butter.” -Ryan Kwok

“Mom always emphasized work first, then play. If I wanted to go to see friends, I needed to have my homework done and my essays finished. The cost of playing when there’s work to do isn’t worth it in her book. Kind of a standard piece of advice but it worked for me.” -Julia Marsh

“Resilience is the most important quality you have, things will change but you’ll always be able to adapt.” -Oakley Purchase

“My mom always told me to focus on my happiness. People come and go, but you’re always you, so it’s important to feel comfortable with yourself. She taught me to take my time and follow my passions, no matter where they took me.” -Drew Evans

“When it comes to career decisions, you only need to remember the 3 Ls: love, learn, leave. If you don’t love your job, try to learn from it. If you aren’t learning from it, then it’s time to leave.” -Steph Shyu

No matter where you are or what you’ve done, a mother’s love and support is key. Make sure to thank your mom this weekend and wish them a very Happy Mother’s Day from AdmitSee!

About The Author

AdmitSee Staff
AdmitSee Staff

​We remember our frustration with applying to college and the lack of information surrounding it. So we created AdmitSee to bring much-needed transparency to the application process! Read more about the team here.

Browse Successful Application Files


Accepted to Yale, Harvard, Princeton, JHU, Duke, Brown, Dartmouth, WashU, USF, Florida, UCF

Hello, my name is Elizabeth! I graduated from a public high school in Florida, and was accepted to all 11 colleges I applied to. I am now a student at Yale University studying bio!

Accepted to UCLA, Cornell, CMU, USC, UCSD, UC Davis

UCLA Class of 2020. Orange County native.

Accepted to WashU, CMU, GA Tech, UGA

Aspiring Communication Design and Computer Science student, food lover extraordinaire

Accepted to Stanford, Columbia, UC Berkeley, UMich, UNC, UCSB, NYU, UCLA, Washington, UCSD, UC Davis

Bay Area local studying econ, cs, and human rights, and trying to figure out the world!

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