Ever thought about what it would be like to go to Hogwarts? Well, maybe it’s a possibility! Rafael.go.58, a senior at Georgetown, talks about his college experience and the similarities that Georgetown and Hogwarts share.

Georgetown draws a lot of comparisons with Hogwarts, and for good reason. Healy Hall, one of the oldest buildings on campus, bears an uncanny resemblance to Harry Potter’s alma mater. And, like Hogwarts, the school is divided into four Houses, or in Georgetown’s case, colleges. Students apply to the college of their choice, and each has a very unique character, which draws upon their specialization. Understanding the colleges allows one to get a better understanding of the campus culture.

The original college is Georgetown College, where the majority of Georgetown students are enrolled. Students majoring in the liberal arts and sciences are included in this school. Because it houses a wide variety of majors, the College doesn’t have a very distinctive personality. Most compare the College to Gryffindor as students from the College are perceived as the most loyal to Georgetown traditions. Personally, I found that the people I met from the College are loyal and although they get the stereotype of being the most indecisive students, they’re among the smartest.

The students from the SFS are akin to Ravenclaw. The School of Foreign Service, or the SFS, focuses on International Relations and has become the most prestigious of the four colleges. Students in the SFS are typically characterized as type A, ambitious, and too smart for their own good. Being from the SFS, I can wholeheartedly agree for this stereotype. Like any other college student, we do know how to relax, it’s just that we’re too busy starting non-profits or recruiting for banking and/or consulting jobs to do so.