Interested in going to Emerson College? Cstubbe2794, a junior at Emerson, shares a few things you need to know about her school she thinks you need to know!

Location: Boston, MA
Type: Private
Religious Affiliation: None
Size: Small
Undergraduate Students: 3,453
Campus Setting: Urban setting
Emerson Traditions:
Orientation Program
Emersonians pride themselves on being enthusiastic and eager, and the extensive orientation program is just another way they can show that. Freshmen come in quiet and nervous and they’re assigned to a group of other freshmen with an Orientation Leader. The Orientation Leader’s job is to help you bond with your group and with them. Orientation Leaders also have the option to send you things before you even arrive to college. I received a CD mix and a lovely note.

Orientation Leaders also have the job to help students load their stuff into carts and into their rooms. They welcome them with crazy outfits, feather boas and neon tulle skirts, and loud singing, then they check them in and help them get their keys. Their goal is to make new students feel more welcome as they start this new chapter in their lives.