This Week’s Feature: Georgetown University

December 08, 2014

We are starting a new segment on our blog! Every week we will be featuring a specific university and sharing the traditions of their college students! If you become a student, these will be the things you’ll do and remember even long after you’ve graduated! It’s the little things at each university that strengthens the bond of current students and alumni. 

Founded: 1789

Location: Washington, D.C.

Type: Private nonprofit university

Religious Affiliation: Roman Catholic (Jesuit)

Size: Medium

Undergraduate Students: 7,636

Campus Setting: Campus located within a major urban setting

Georgetown Traditions:

Don’t step on the Seal

If you’ve been on one of the Blue & Gray Tour Guides, you will know never to step on the Georgetown seal in mosaic form that is right outside the main entrance of Healy Hall. If you haven’t, then you’ve probably wondered why even during the busiest hours of the day, students are awkwardly walking around each other on the side when there’s so much space down the middle. 

As the myth goes, if you step on the seal, you won’t be able to graduate in 4 years. Whether you believe it or not, it’s up to you, but you had fair warning!


Sit on John Carroll’s lap

The John Carroll statue sits right in the middle of Healy Circle. If you’ve visited the campus, you’ve probably already taken a photo with him. One of the traditions at Georgetown is to sit on his lap before graduating. 


It doesn’t seem like too hard of a task, but trust me, it’s harder than it looks. You’ll need a friend or two to give you a boost to get up on to his lap. Even though this is a tradition that is done by 90% of the school, it isn’t recommended by the faculty since it is a little dangerous. So do this in the middle of the night when GUPD isn’t watching! 


Browse Successful Application Files


Accepted to Columbia, GA Tech, Northwestern, Princeton, UGA

As a part of Princeton Class of 2019, I know how difficult the application process is...I got denied, accepted, and wait-listed to several places. Let me help you find your path to success!

Accepted to MIT, UMich, Rutgers, Cornell, Rice, JHU

computer science / design / music / film

Accepted to Northwestern, Dartmouth, UC Berkeley, UChicago, Rice, UMich, USC

Aspiring entrepreneur interested in computer science, health, and sustainability; applied to college as an econ/environmental science major.

Accepted to Brown, UMich, UT Austin

Artist, Writer, wannabe-philosopher

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