If you don’t follow college basketball, it’s probably time you should! At the very least, you should know what a bracket is and what March Madness is all about. If you really can’t get yourself excited about basketball, you should be excited about these NCAA Men’s Basketball Team Emojis! Here are our Top 10 Favorites! Illustration done by Julia Heffernan!
1. Cincinnati

In the round of 62, Cincinnati put of a fight against Purdue, and came out on top! They were 1 of the 6 games that ended with just a 1 point difference in Day 1 of this year’s March Madenss - the most in all NCAA tournament history! Unfortunately, this put them up against the favorites of this year’s NCAA tournament and ultimately lost to the undefeated Kentucky! They may not have gone far in the tournament, but they are our number 1 cutest NCAA emoji this year!

2. Wisconsin

3. Ole Miss

Ole Miss was knocked out early in the tournament by Xavier, but manages to make it into our top 3 cutest NCAA team emojis this year!