This week some of our interns shared how they felt and what action they took if they were waitlisted. Here is what Isle, Brian, and Matthew had to say:

Getting waitlisted definitely has its pros and cons. From one point, I felt excited that the university hadn’t exactly said “NO” to me. However, on the other hand, I felt really anxious since my decision with that university wasn’t certain. It was also hard to plan around being “waitlisted” because, in a way, the university had me on “hold.” -Isle from Stanford

I only got waitlisted at one school, Cornell University. I felt that being waitlisted was more of a slap in the face than being denied because it meant they were holding out for candidates who could be more qualified than myself. My reaction was to convince myself that I did not want to go there anyway. I looked up online news about Cornell and found that perhaps it was not the school for me after all. I don’t completely recall the process, but if I was supposed to respond to the waitlist notification, I did not. I felt that I did not want to be a part of a school that had to think twice about accepting me. After getting that mail, I no longer concerned myself with Cornell. -Matthew from USC Marshal School of Business