What It’s Like Being a Business Student at Northeastern University

May 16, 2014

Jared has just finished his freshman year at Northeastern University in Boston, MA, where he studied Business Administration with a concentration in Finance. As a new student, Jared took many of the introductory business and economics courses required for his major. He told AdmitSee about his three favorite courses so far - if you are considering a major in business or economics these can give you a great idea of what to expect: 


Introduction to Macroeconomics- This course is required for all Business Administration majors as it introduces many of the concepts that will be touched upon in other classes. I enjoyed learning about the interaction between the theoretical models and real life examples of the effects such as inflation and unemployment, which have been active in the world markets recently.

Sustainable Business- As the first business course that I took at Northeastern, it was exciting to learn about overarching financial, economic and business concepts. Learning basic financial accounting skills as well as how to do preliminary financial analysis will surely be helpful later on when I take more advanced coursework. The professor was very helpful and was always willing to answer questions and explain topics if the class did not understand thoroughly.

Freshman Writing Seminar- Freshman at many schools are required to take freshman writing seminars. English was not always my favorite class, but I found this very useful because it really does prepare you for serious academic writing throughout college. Utilizing our skills from high school term papers, we did literary analysis, wrote poems, and completed an academic research paper. It was a broad survey course of academic and creative writing, but overall I found it interesting and enjoyable.



Find out more about Jared on his AdmitSee Profile!


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