You Won’t Believe What These HS Seniors Were Asked On A College Interview

March 24, 2016

You’re prepared for your college interview, or so you thought. Just as you were finishing your well rehearsed answer to “what you will bring to the college community?”, your college interviewer stumps you with a question you never saw coming. You’ve heard of these stories before, and we bring to you some of the most random, and weirdest college interview questions ever. 

Senior from Davidson High School: “Do you want to take a horse (if you own one) to college with you?”

Senior from BASIS Phoenix: “What is your opinion on infantacide?”

Senior from Troy High School: “Do you believe in the Loch Ness monster, and why?”

For next week, we want to know what’s the strangest thing you’ve heard on a college tour! Let us know in this survey for a chance to be featured and win a $10 Amazon Gift Card. 


About The Author

AdmitSee Staff
AdmitSee Staff

​We remember our frustration with applying to college and the lack of information surrounding it. So we created AdmitSee to bring much-needed transparency to the application process! Read more about the team here.

Browse Successful Application Files


Accepted to Stanford, UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UCLA

Born in small town, interested in math, science, and literature. Attending Stanford University starting fall of 2016, planning on studying engineering or computer science, with a minor in a foreign language.
UC Berkeley

Accepted to UC Berkeley, Brown, Claremont (CMC), Columbia, Cornell, Harvard, Northwestern, Pomona, Stanford, San Diego, Vanderbilt, UCSC, UCSB, UCSD, UCLA, Cal Poly, Cal Poly Pomona, Washington

UC Berkeley Class of 2020

Accepted to MIT, CalTech, UNC, Duke, Stanford, Harvard, UPenn

A hardworking student whose applications demonstrated my interest in STEM.

Accepted to Georgetown, UT Austin, Texas Christian, Texas A&M, Richmond, Pepperdine

A hard worker that is living the dream.

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