10 Ways To Make The Biggest Mistake Of Your Life

April 01, 2016

School counselors, teachers, college consultants, and even us here at AdmitSee, are always talking about choosing the college that’s the right fit for you. But what does that really mean? To help you understand, we have the top 10 worst reasons for enrolling in a specific college:  

1. It has a “party school” reputation

Party schools are always fun, but just keep in mind, you’re in college to get a higher education! Plus, you can build a social life no matter where you are.

2. U.S. News and World Report Rankings and my obsession with them

Rankings are based on an overall evaluation of what each school offers, not what you are interested in. Don’t be blinded by the prestige of the school. 

3. Your high school BFFs were going, and you didn’t want to be left out

You and your BFFs might be tight, but you are all unique individuals. You’ll find that you maybe interested in different fields - fields that may not be offered at the same school. 

4. Desire to annoy my parents by not going to their alma mater

Don’t do it out of spite! You’ll only be angry at yourself later, especially when their alma mater was your secret top choice. 

5. Your celebrity idol went there, and you just feel closer to them being there

Famous alums are great to have, but remember the focus should be on you! You’re not getting any closer to them, either.

6. The tour guide was really cute

Keep in mind this tour guide may have already graduated by the time you enroll in the Fall, so your love may never blossom. 

7. Grades are pass/fail for the first semester

Pass/fail are a great way to adjust yourself and your study habits to college level courses, but you can take them at most schools.

8. Your parents told you to go, and you didn’t have a choice

You always have a choice. It might end in a huge fight, but they’ll come around. 

9. Going to an “easy” school to get a higher GPA, and better career options

Whether a school is academically easy is all relative. Don’t be deceived into thinking you’ll only be compared to the peers from your school when you’re applying for jobs. 

10. Proximity to soon-to-be-ex-significant other

Choose a school for you. If it happens to be close to your significant other, great! If not, you two can work it out. Or not. 

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College is where you’ll spend 4 years of your life learning, developing critical skill sets, and expanding your social circle. Make sure you choose the school that is the right fit for you because a shiny title is not a guarantee of success or of a fulfilling college career. Make an informed choice by talking to current students on our mentorship platform. Access 60,000+ successful college application files uploaded by college students (they get paid when you view them). AdmitSee is a community of students helping students. Our goal is to bring much-needed transparency to higher education. 

About The Author

Frances Wong
Frances Wong

Frances was born in Hong Kong and received her bachelor’s degree from Georgetown University. She loves super sad drama television, cooking, and reading. Her favorite person on Earth isn’t actually a member of the AdmitSee team - it’s her dog Cooper.


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I was born and raised in Korea, but I've studied in in U.S. boarding school for 7 years. I love people, building, and cars so I love every cities in the world.

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I am an incoming freshman from Bulgaria. I have spent one year as an exchange student in Chicago and look forward to returning to the States this fall.

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