Advice to New Students at Stanford

August 10, 2014

If you’ve been accepted to Stanford, congrats! You probably have tons of questions or worries about what the next few weeks have in store, just like every other freshman does! Ilse is a current student at Stanford and she shared her advice on choosing classes, dorms, and schedules. Read all of her advice to help make your transition to Stanford as smooth as possible. 

Dorm life at Stanford is great!  Make sure to get to know your roommates and floormates, because you’ll be living with them for the whole year.  Also, if you don’t get into an all-frosh dorm, try to make friends in all-frosh dorms so that you can spend time there. It truly is a unique experience that you want. 

Make sure you take some of the recommended classes, even if they are not part of your major, such as CS 106. You learn so much from taking them, and you will likely regret it later if you don’t. Plus, they allow you to gain skills outside of your major, which will come in useful for internships and just for knowledge’s sake.

Class scheduling is also really important - especially avoiding morning classes! Simply put, try your best not to have classes at 9 AM. I know, after waking up at 6 AM to get to high school, 9 AM classes don’t sound that bad, but they will be once you realize you are staying up quite late doing work. Learn how to budget your time for all of your work and class schedules.  Finally, make sure to read the Stanford Daily. It’s entertaining and keeps you up to date with what is happening on campus!

Read more about Ilse and see the application that got her into Stanford in her AdmitSee Profile!


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