Take The Opportunity To Give Back This Summer

May 17, 2016

Plenty of students are looking forward to a summer full activities. Whether it be attending summer school or working as an intern, many students have already had their summers scheduled months ahead. For those of you who haven’t planned quite yet, don’t fret. Take this summer to do something meaningful- you can pursue a project you couldn’t dedicate yourself to during the school year, or you can volunteer.


Yale ‘19

I did a lot of volunteer work in the summer of my junior high school year, not because I thought it would look good, but because I was interested in interacting with people I wouldn’t have otherwise had a chance to. Don’t pick things because you think it will look good. If you like theater, do theater because you like it, you know? People will see the inconsistencies between your application and your extracurriculars.


Notre Dame ‘18

Volunteer! Don’t just do it as a resume/college application booster, though - volunteer somewhere you think is exciting, enriching, and challenging. Pick somewhere you can see yourself still volunteering at in years’ time. The experience you will gain from immersing yourself in volunteering is invaluable, both during the college application process and way beyond.



Humboldt State ‘18

I really recommend that you become very involved in your community the best way possible. And the best place to start, is now! In my summer days in high school, I was involved in my church, in my sisters school, and in my local hospital. And to be honest, if I never had the opportunity to volunteer at the hospital, I would have struggled to find a field I’m interested in. I was able to make good friends with the staff that worked there and was able to explore other areas of medicine I was not aware of at the time. It only made me more interested and more dedicated into wanting to pursue medicine. 


Emerson ‘19

I would recommend volunteering in the community in ways that are applicable to your intended major. For example, I volunteered over the summer doing a film for a local charity in my town. Listing this on my application to film school showed that I am both involved in my trade and involved in my community.

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AdmitSee Staff

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Accepted to Yale, Cornell, UMich, GA Tech, Case, Purdue, RPI, Lehigh

I am a former movie theater employee from the Midwest who now studies Mechanical Engineering at Yale University.

Accepted to Yale, Emory, Vanderbilt, Brown, Amherst, CMU, NYU, Miami, UNC, UVA

Deeply curious, love to learn, and is happiest eating.

Accepted to Yale, Tulane, Binghamton

veni, vidi, vici.

Accepted to Yale, Harvard, Stanford, Brown, UC Berkeley, Pomona, UCSB, Pepperdine, Wellesley, UCLA, USC

I was accepted to Harvard, Stanford, Yale, Brown, Berkeley Regents/Chancellors, UCLA Honors. Ask me how.

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