As applicants wait around to find out which college they will be going to, they are probably also beginning to wonder what college life will be like. How different is it from high school? What will my first weeks be like? Don’t worry—zkaufman shares with us how his first weeks at Brandeis University went!
Four of the seven are now my closest friends, and I hang out with them all the time. It was stupid of me to think that it would be a waste of time to talk to people that I didn’t hit it off with immediately. I quickly learned that Brandeis was an open and accepting community, so I began to talk to everyone I met. This was the best skill I have picked up at college thus far because not only is it a great networking skill, but it has helped me become a more welcoming and outgoing person. Another important piece I learned in that first week was to be myself. I know it sounds cliché and dumb, but it was so true. It didn’t make sense to hide how I acted to make friends, because if they didn’t like me at the beginning of our friendship, why would they a month down the road? And this was great, because when I acted like myself, others did as well. It was easy to see who I could relate to, and who I would want to stay in contact with. It helped lead me to joining the Frisbee team, and making friends in my gigantic lecture classes. If I took anything away from my first week it was that I had to be open and talkative, as well as stay true to who I am.
Any interesting stories during your first weeks at college? Leave a comment and let us know!