Bill Clinton at USC: Technology and Our Future

December 09, 2014

Listening to someone give a good speech can often inspire you and give you lots to think about. That’s why universities take the time and spend the money to bring in notable speakers. So if there’s a specific field you want to be exposed to, look at the list of speakers the universities you’re applying to bring in - it might help differentiate which is a better fit for you! Smileysabrina shares with us what Former President Bill Clinton had to share with the lucky few that got to hear him speak him at the University of Southern California

Ask any USC student, and he or she will tell you that it’s not uncommon for famous people to speak at our school: notable visitors in the past include Stephen Hawking, Will Ferrell, and Breaking Bad creator Vince Gilligan. But on November 7th of this year, USC students lined up outside our auditorium hours in advance of hearing our most distinguished speaker yet: former President Bill Clinton.

Stage for Former Pres. Bill Clinton's speech at USC
Stage for Former Pres. Bill Clinton’s speech at USC

A spot in the audience for Clinton’s speech was so highly coveted that not just anyone could attend: students had to be invited, and even then there was a long stand-by line of those not on the list, but hoping to nab a last-minute spot anyways. It wasn’t just students who attended, either: several other important guests were in attendance, including Texas Governor-Elect Greg Abbott and current California Senator Barbara Boxer.

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