From now till early April, applicants are sitting on the edge of their seat, waiting and wondering if they got into their top choice, because that’s really the only one that matters. Well, we are here to tell you that it’s okay you didn’t get into your top choice! All AdmitSee members know the pain of getting rejected by their dream school, but have still loved and enjoyed all 4 years of the college we did attend. Don’t believe us? Here are some others who didn’t end up going to their top choices:

Rafael.go.58: I had a very ambitious top choice (Harvard), and it’s very easy to idealize your first choice school into this Hogwarts-esque institution. It turns out that my current school (and second choice), Georgetown was the right decision. The coursework and the faculty are top notch, the campus is beautiful, and the people are interesting and friendly. You can’t pigeonhole yourself into thinking that your top school is the best school because more often than not, you’ll find that other universities can end up being a better fit. That’s why you have to do as much research as possible and actually look at these institutions with an objective eye.

Nrchhabra: You will never know you’re at the right school until you’re there. So getting admitted to your top choice doesn’t mean it’s the right school for you. That is exactly why a lot of students transfer. I started at Northern Virginia Community College and am about to graduate from The College of William & Mary. I know I’m at the right school because I can see such a contrast in who I was when I came and who I am about to leave. I’ve learned to raise my standards by being around such talented individuals, and I’ve experienced so many good and tough memories that I wouldn’t change for the world.