The Truth about College Interviews

January 30, 2015

As we progress into the spring semester, colleges are beginning to get back to applicants about the next step in the application process—The College Interview. It may seem scary at first, but the truth is….well if you want to find out, read on!

Cstubbe2794: I only interviewed for a few colleges because most of them tend not to do so anymore. I interviewed for Georgetown and Villanova. For the Georgetown interview, they assign you to a graduate that lives near you. They then make contact with you via your email and you decide where to meet. I prepared by reading the wikipedia of the college and writing down a few answers to the more common questions. We then met at Starbucks, though you can meet really anywhere, and the interview is around a half hour to an hour long. At first it can seem nervewracking and stilted, but as you both warm up to each other, it starts to resemble just a conversation. My interview for Villanova was for a scholarship and I had to go to the campus to have it. It was in their offices and was very short, so you have to be ready to come off as unique and memorable in a small window of time.

Zkaufman: I enjoyed my College Interview Experience, but that’s because I enjoy talking to people. My first interview was a little awkward because I was acting like the person I thought the school wanted me to be and not myself. I know this sounds cliché, but be yourself! This is for two reasons. For one, the college wants to see what you are like and how you would fit into the community. And the other is that it will help you see if you would want to fit into the community. I once had an interview and we didn’t really hit it off, and I didn’t feel as though we were on the same page throughout the conversation. This wasn’t the only signifier, but once I went on the tour I could tell that the school was similar to the admissions counselor, and therefore not a good fit for me.

Read on for more Admits’ past experiences and insights about the College Interview Process!

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