Scholarships are free money. Without them, many people would drown in student load debt. Others would be unable to attend college because they couldn’t possibly pay the large tuition that most colleges have. Now that the school year has begun again, the time to apply for scholarships has started again. The fact of the matter is that any amount of money can help when it comes to paying for college tuition. Below is a compiled list of scholarships. Keep in mind that it’s always worth it to apply, because there’s nothing to lose.

*John F. Kennedy Profile In Courage Essay Contest
Maximum Prize: $10,000
How to Apply: Write an original essay that is less than 1,000 words that demonstrates an understanding of political courage. Students should use a variety of sources to address this year’s essay topic.
Due: January 6, 2015
*William Randolph Hearst Foundation U.S Youth Senate Program
Maximum Prize: $5,000 and an all-expense paid trip to Washington, D.C.
How to Apply: Get an application from your counselor or principal, and check the website for due dates. 104 students will be chosen to meet with Senators and other members of office in an all-expense paid trip to Washington D.C. Each student will also receive 5,000 dollars for their undergraduate studies.
Due: Varies
*National Peace Essay Contest
Maximum Prize: $10,000 ($1,000 at State level, second place at Nationals is $5,000, third place at Nationals is $2,500)
How to Apply: Do valuable research on a topic related to international peace and conflict resolution. Students must be a citizen of the United States in order to apply. All essays that are chosen will be published by the Institute of Peace
Due: February 10, 2015

*DoSomething Scholarship
Maximum Prize: $10,000
How to Apply: Complete one of the campaigns on their website in order to be eligible. This award is given multiple times per year.
Due: Varies
*Anti-Bullying (Play a game online to be eligible. Link to the anti-bullying game here.)
*Everyone Deserves a Birthday (Make two birthday cards for a homeless person. Link here.)
*Don’t Text and Drive (Play a game. Link here.)
*American Legion High School Oratorical Contest
Maximum Prize: $18,000 (Second place receives $16,000. Third place receives $14,000. State competitors receive $1,500.)
How to Apply: Write an essay about the Constitution, and prepare to deliver it as part of the contest. Student must be enrolled in high school, and be under 20 years of age.
Due: Contact your local Legion office for more information about the due dates.
*Young Patriots Essay Contest
Maximum Prize: $5,000 (Have your essay published on their website’s home page, on Debate Central, and shared with all Patriots. It will also be sent to your hometown’s radio and tv stations.)
How to Apply: Write an essay about this year’s topic. The topic will be released soon, and the essay will be due in December.
Due: At the end of the 2014 year, in December.

*Awkward Back-to-School Photo Contest
Maximum Prize: $1,000 (Second and third place photos receive $200.)
How to Apply: Like on Facebook. Then upload a photo that is school-related (i.e. prom, formal, dances, school photo), has you in it, and was not taken professionally. Tag yourself and in the photo. You can post one photo a day, and the winner will be decided by the most likes and comments.
Due: Last day to enter is September 30, 2014. You can post one photo a day starting August 26, 2014.
*Independent and Dependent Clauses Video Contest
Maximum Prize: $1,000
How to Apply: Make a creative video explaining the difference between independent and dependent clauses. It should be you (others allowed) personifying independent and dependent clauses. The video should be one minute in length.
Due: July 28, 2015
*We the People Essay Contest
Maximum Prize: $2,000 (There are 12 prizes available of this amount.)
How to Apply: There are four different categories for high school students. A student may compose and perform a song. They may write and execute a 5-10 minute play. They may create a one-minute Public Service Announcement. Or they may write an essay that is less than 850 words. The topic is how the Constitution (Articles I-VII) protect our rights.
Due: September 17, 2014

*Young Naturalist Awards Scholarship
Maximum Prize: $2,500 (Lowest scholarship is $500. 12 winners, 2 per grade.) They will then be flown to New York City to take a behind-the-scenes tour of the Museum of Natural History and meet scientists.
How to Apply: Grades 7-12 can document research in biology, earth science, and astronomy. Then, they can document their findings and write them up in an essay.
Due: March 1, 2015
*So Annoying Vocabulary Video Contest
Maximum Prize: $1,000 (8 prizes available.)
How to Apply: Choose one of the following words: insinuating, manipulative, vexation, unmannerly, amiss, aversion, arbitrary, or unnervingly. Make a one minute or less video creatively defining one of the words, and only one. At appropriate points, you must display the definition, part of speech, and the word used in a sentence properly. The definitions are provided on the website.
Due: October 6, 2014
The above eleven scholarships are all great ways to either try and earn money for college or visit places that sincerely interest you or concern your future. Remember that there are all different types of scholarships out there, ranging from $250 to even $50,000. College should be available for everyone, and getting in to a college is only half the battle. Good luck on your scholarship search and applications!