Claremont McKenna College is a well known liberal arts college that pushes their students to explore different subjects in search for their passion. Phil from CMC’s Class of 2017 has done exactly that and is here to share with AdmitSee some of his favorite Claremont McKenna classes that has helped him find his interests:

1. Philosophy of Religion: I originally enrolled Philosophy of Religion not because I had great interest in the subject, but simply as a way to fulfill a general education requirement. Although I started the course without particularly high expectations, by the end of the semester I couldn’t have been happier that I had the opportunity to explore such a fascinating, thought-provoking issue. Discussing religion can be pretty divisive at the best of times, but the class was handled in a graceful, analytic manner that shed light on the topic of religious faith and the lack thereof within an academic setting without causing offense to any group. The class addressed timeless questions such as the reasons to both believe in and doubt the existence of a supreme being, why evil exists in the world, and how we can live our lives in a manner that that is ethical within a theistic and/or atheistic framework.

2. Principles of Economic Analysis: CMC is renowned for its robust, highly intensive Economics program, so it’s common for most CMC freshmen to enroll in this introductory Economics course. Unlike many other freshmen-level intro courses, this class avoids the common pitfall of being a “weed-out” class rather than something genuinely educational. Econ 50 is a great course that gracefully tackles the basics of economics in a way that makes the material both interesting and accessible. Its lessons can be applied on both the macro and micro level, offering a great deal of insight into the workings of the world’s largest economies and providing students with a new way of examining personal decisions in terms of costs and benefits.

3. Science and the Environment: Science and the Environment offers non-technical students a science course that tackles equal parts interesting and concerning environmental issues in a way that engages students and fosters an interest in the environment. When I signed up for the class I didn’t care all that much about the environment and what was wrong with it, but a semester with my amazing professor quickly changed my mind on that front. The main appeal of this class is that it’s accessible and doesn’t require high-level knowledge of biology and chemistry (knowledge which I do not possess) in order to understand the concepts being covered and do well.
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