Inside Look: Classes at UCLA

July 26, 2014

Are you in the process of choosing what classes to take? It can be overwhelming to know which classes are the most fun, interesting, or useful - so we’re here to help! Current students gave us the inside scoop into what classes they’ve loved at their school. Ellen studies at UCLA and is interested in pursuing a business major, specifically finance or data analysis. Here, she shares her favorite classes! 

1) Macroeconomic Theory: This was the first upper division major class that I took which wasn’t a part of my prerequisites. I definitely felt that the material in this class was a lot more interesting and engaging than economic courses I had taken before. I had taken an introductory macroeconomic course prior to this one, but I really loved how this one went more in depth on the subject and provided more real life examples. My professor was great at delivering the information, and I had amazing TA who really went out of his way to teach the students material. 

2) Introduction to C++ Programming: I am not a computer science major, nor have I had prior experience to computing, but I felt that this was a valuable skill to have for my future. I was surprised to discover how much I loved the class! The course is directed towards those without programming experience, so the professor started out slow, which was good for us beginners. I found programming to be really fun, although difficult and frustrating at times. 

3) Principles of Accounting: This is an introductory accounting class I took which was required for my major. I used to think that accounting would be boring, but I actually found the information interesting and very useful. No matter what career path you take, keeping track of your finances should be important to everyone. My professor was had a lot of energy and made the class super exciting. She also introduced us to how retirement funds work and other applicable information. It is definitely a class I recommend to everyone.

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